Girl's Day Out
let's make tis short. BEST DAE EVERRRR!!! I got to meet Kak Naz! wo0ts! Yeahh, it's Sophie's bdae. Happi 13th bdae gal! I met her first at the mrt station while lo0kin for Nadia and Inas. Next Kak Naz came.. I didnt noe..wahhh!!!!! When to Vivocity then and got lost at Harbourfront Centre cosh wanted to meet up with Faeizah and Jannah. After a few moments and stuffs, everytink settled and we went to the water feature. Haha! Sophie got sabo-ed! Went to McD's and Sophie's mommy treated us to a meal! Thnkyu very the much Cik! Spent an hour there gossipin abt you-noe-hers and you-noe-him. Headed to the nearest masjid then to have our Asar prayers.. Then had our journey to Tampines after tat. It was Maghrib by the tym we reach and so we went to Gufran. The makcik tat sat by the walkway scared the shit out of me at first. Don't ask, don't tell. Were planning to grab a drink and go to Sunplaza Park to ehem, continue our gossips again. Serious bitching and laughing yesterday ever for me.. haixz.. Decided to hang arnd at McD's again at the interchange. Pulled a table a few chairs and sat in at big grp. Wicked fun. Saw Nadia's adek. So fair her skin! Gosh.. Left the place at abt 10pm.. Seriously. nvr hangout till tat late ever. Reached home abt 11pm.. Then Zzz......

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