it's the truth but my ♥ is ¾ for my husband.

Friday, August 1, 2008

e-learing day

So its e-learning day todae..
i totally regretted not asking for the damn website address...
i spent 10mins of my precious life trying to get the address..
Then I finally found it.. Ouhkaey, i didnt actualli found it,
i saw a few words on the net and suddenly rmmbr the add...
i think i spent like only 45mins on all the subjects on asknlearn...
i kinda cheated on the tests and quizzes...wunt tell you how...
So after that i had to sneak and use the cp for other stuffs...
had to quickly change the windows if mum was around or she wud ask me to shut it down.
i dunt get it for the maths thingy..are we suppose to study the new chapter ourselves?
if it was then, chey.... i noe hw to do this alreadi...
so chicken mcdodol...
my tuition got teach me already..
but dun worry, you wunt see me topping my marks cosh i dun gib a damn...
seriously, smone is realli influencing me to slack this crucial year...
hmm, i think tat person is cursing me and is out to get me...
i think im gonna be in my spy mode again...
i love being dramatic, it brightens up my life...
i fell in love with this phrase i said to mdm tan but i improvised it abit.
" you are full of rainbows and flowers around you but no hearts with love"
kaey, i think i noe that you're probably thinking why am i always changing the subjects?
i dunnoe...
its my nature to talk talk talk and sleep!
ask anyone who noes me and they cn tell you that i wunt shut up no matter wadd.
if you had read my previous post abt me having a bad sore throat, you wud have known me...
so, im logging off now...
but im going to continue msging whuever on my cell..or maybe i'll just give a call to Husfaminix...

no, your medicine won't help my confusion..
i think im falling in love with your kindness again..
help me make a conclusion that i cnt be with you..
you will nvr understand the language i have spoken
neither will i to you..


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