Chipmunk is Dead!
Yesterday, I top up my share of marshmallows so that I cud bring for todae's art exhibition trip.. Woke up dead early in the morning.. Got ready for school and rmmbred to bring my foodstuff..
Chipmunk wasnt in school.. Spent a moment enjoying the peace till somebody exclaimed that i missed him.. Err, EWW!!? so i loved drawing/vandalising Chipmunk's and Firdaus's table.. Drew hearts and all that.. Firdaus kept on erasing everytyme i drew smtink.. he got kinda frustated.. then i sae that i will erase evrytink when im done drawing but he didnt believe me.. so i said that if he wanted to continue erasing then im gonna keep on drawing cosh he will be the one wasting his eraser and energy.. i love winning arguements too! Was still enjoying peace till ex "girlfriend" Hexun came and sat at Chipmunk's place to do gay stuffs... puh'lease lah Hexun.. at first he wanted to "gay" with Firdaus but then he changed his mind and went to Amin... Started the touchy-touchy thing... Bleah!! Disgusting!! after that, he went back to Chipmunk's place... we asked him wadd happened to his gay partner Jian Kai.. He said that he hate Jian Kai already.. probably cosh he got bored with JianKai.. He sang "Umbrella" to Firdaus.. then Miss Chew came into the class and Hexun left the place.. Firdaus said smtink bout Hexun..He said , "Do you want to noe why Hexun is gay? ... Cosh he is just shy to ask the girls!" in malay.. Laughed out loud of cosh! Ouh Hexun wrote Chipmunk's name on the absentees board.. He wrote, " Zahid ( kena rape) ".. Got pretty bored after that so we ransacked Firdaus's wallet.. His ezlink card pict was so0 cute! Continued talking more craps... Ended up making a stupid story of Chipmunk's divorce with Amin and his affair with Firdaus.. Made fake divorce papers... Haix.. the retardness... Nothing much happened after this.. After school ended, me and Husna attended an art exhibition at NAFA.. She met her friend there for the first time.. Since Husna was catching up things with her friend, I hanged out with the guys for awhile.. And Milton is bosting bout his $400 school bag again... he so rich lah... wandered about for awhile then we went to TCC for desserts..Cost me a bomb man! Calvin recommended me lots of things... But i bought only one of which he recommended that is the chocalate lava cake, Dark Devotion.. The guys were hyped up abt it.. Kept pestering me to buy it... While i was savouring every taste with Husna, we were talking bout some bullshit..Herman said smtink extraordinary and rare. He said, " It would be nice if Amirah was here".. "It's too bad for Amirah cosh she missed out on this things".. Then i asked him if he regards Amirah as his close friend and he said yesh..Asked him wadd bout best friend but he shouted "no" like as if he was in denial. Found out that Milton is going to Korea at the end of the year.. OMG!!! Im so gonna ask him to buy for me things from Jae Hee's storecos he is going to Seoul, Incheon, Jeju Island.. did i sae he was rich?.. kae Korea is not realli tat expensive.. it's kinda cheap to us realli... I recommended him to visit the Gwanghallu in Namwon.. Told him to let his parents walk on the lover's bridge.. So all those chats were like a class bonding time at the cafe with Miss Jenny there with us.. Argh, wadd a long dae for me...

Zahid (kena rape)




Me acting cute at TCC

TCC.. Hahaz..Celina blurred

act cute with tat disgusting Kpop hairdo
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