Accident, Fainting and Possesed...All in a day

Myspace Layouts at / Grey n white leaves
Most memorable day of this month so far. Got Shafi'e real good! Serve him riite for pretending and even faking an accident. Firstly, me, irsyad, ayuni and husna went to Compass Point. Then Husna went off followed by Ayuni. Me and Irsyad hanged out at a place near my hse eating our cup noodles till Shafi'e msged saying that Amirul was involved in a accident with a car or lorry He wanted me and Irsyad to come over to Sengkang Fire Station riite away. We used the public phone to contact him. Sounded like he was laughing then it was like he was crying. Couldn't make it out. We rushed to the bustop to catch the bus then Shafi'e msged saying that he was joking. Decided to trick him. So, me and Irsyad went back to the phone booth and called him. Irsyad pretended to panic and "scolded" Shafi'e for trying to scare us and he said that I was crying out loud. The most interesting part was when Irsyad shouted that I had fainted. He immediately hunged up the phone.It was Shafi'e turn to panic. Since we were near my hse, decided to go home to put some of my stuffs. Headed back again to the phone to call Shafi'e asking if he was still at Punggol Park. Shafi'e asked Irsyad wether I was angry cosh he was scared that I would beat him up. I started laughing loudly at a distance from the phonebooth. Took 88 and headed to Punggol Park. There, I pretended to cry. Shafi'e covered his face with some crackers and played the "Apologise" song by OneRepublic. Made me feel like laughung but I dunt want to spoil my act. Met with Munir along the way. Figured riite away that I was faking it. Told him to shut up. Amirul was riding Shafi'e bike probably scared to face me. Cant hold my laugh any longer so I started laughing out loud. Shafi'e offred me the crackers. Happy cosh I got him back and free food too! After that we did a random video about a conversation we had about ghost. Irsyad had an idea about us acting like we had been posessed. By this time, Amirul had already found out that me and Irsyad was faking the previous thing. While we had our conversation, Irsyad said that he wanted to play at the swings. He started to act posessed. Me and Amirul made Shafi'e freaked out by saying that Irsyad is not himself cosh he is posseed. Then Iryad started running away and even asked if we wanted him to bring us to a place far away. Me and Amirul just control outr laughter. We were surprised when Shafi'e suddenly ran very fast to catch up with Irsyad. Amirul was riding Shafi'e bike. Shafi'e made a U-turn and pulled Amirul cosh he wanted to take the bike. Amirul fell in a very funny matter.a dun noe wether i shud laugh or cry. Shafi'e didnt even care abt Amirul rather he only cared abt his hp. Amirul was so mad that he ran after Shafie shouting that he will pull Shafie's hair till it is straight. Bla bla bla( uninteresting parts).I suggest to shafie that maybe he could sprinkle some water on Irsyad with some prayers. He sprayed Irsyad's shirt with my bottle. Then Irsyad returned to "normal". Hahahahahahahahah! I will not forget about this ever again. Lesson learned, NEVER MESS WITH US COSH WE WILL GET U BAD!
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