Darn it! It's design and technology

Yun Bin veri hardworking lurh..

Im cutting my message holder veri carefully..

Hehe! See that cute girl dancing? Took it during
moderndance competition...
Ouh man i veri sianz alreadi..T0ot larh.. Ouh yeah and Selina's phone got c0nfiscated by her muther today.. I feel s0 bad ferr you horr Selina..Actualli my muther last time als0 threaten t0 confiscate my phone s0 i had to use her handph0ne larh..hehehe! since i heavy user my muther like s0o wadd alreadi s0 sianz ah s0 gib miie back my phone coz i last time also like to go out a lot and she needs to c0mmunicate wit miie riite? hahahahaha!! Examz also around the corner..darn it! i want a new phone t00 since my phone now s0d alreadi...my mp3 cannot use and s0metimes the system is jam and lag like c0m like that..then need to switch off again..Sho0t! my memory card also sometimes got rejected from the phone..haiz..not even full year leh that phone onli got it last year..darn it!
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